Monday Musing | Reflections….

Some of you may have caught the twitter feed a few days back, in regards to the “final” meeting of the ME3 team.  The presumption is, that this indicates an ending to new content, with the exception of the so-called “Citadel DLC”. Now, I have no way of knowing whether or not this is true.  Until anything official is stated by BioWare, we just don’t have enough information.  So what is the point of bringing this up?  Because it is still news, and has caused me to contemplate a few things.

Right after the twitter feeds were posted on the BSN, I commented in a thread I frequent, on how this made me feel.  The idea that the Mass Effect trilogy was truly coming to an end.  I was strangely at peace with it.  Maybe all the uncertainty, the concentrating on missed opportunities for this final game, and pinning my hopes on something that was potentially a long shot from the beginning (regarding the edition of extended romantic content in an ME3 DLC), had been more mentally exhausting than I wanted to admit.  I am not suggesting in such an overly dramatic fashion, that I regret involving myself with any of my Mass Effect dealings.  On the contrary, it was a great outlet for a strange and unexpected passion I developed.  I still enjoying discussing this game, and until any official news gets released, I will continue to express that passion I carry for these characters and this “universe”.  Then why do I bring up this nonesense about feeling “at peace”?  Hmmmm…..I’m not entirely sure.

Maybe I feel at peace, because I can focus on what I actually enjoy playing, and forget about the rest. Maybe it is because we will find out soon enough whether our efforts here and elsewhere have had any potential impact. It could also be that it gives me a chance to reflect on what “good” did come out of my disappointment for the last game. Some of those being meeting new and like minded people, many I have come to call friends.  Being able to exercise a more creative side to my writing (writing proposals, lease agreements, drafting memos and designing notices doesn’t exactly fulfill my artistic side….lol), through this blog and the forums I frequent.  These things have value.  And I honestly appreciate them.

In reflection of this past year, I would ask all of you, what are YOUR feelings about the “wrapping up” of the Mass Effect trilogy?  Will you stick around to see how the future of this IP unfolds?  For me, I plan to hold fast, till the “fat volus sings”.

Posted on January 21, 2013, in monday musings and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. I backed away from the official side of Mass Effect when it became obvious how they viewed their fans. Instead of expecting anything from them or engaging in any ultimate useless dialogue I decided to cut my losses, and move firmly into the fandom.

    I paid attention to the extended endings, but that was about it. The DLC does not interest me, because in my opinion the story they gave us just did not match up to the promise of the first two games.

    I read fix-it-fic, talk to other Thane fans on tumblr, and I read Koob’s awesome Marauder Shields comic over on DA (the word comic does not do it justice)

    For me the spirit of Mass Effect died in the games when the third one came out. The fans are keeping it alive, and I expect to stay with it until the inevitable time that another fandom claims my interest. One thing is for sure – I won’t be emotionally investing in a BioWare game again.

  2. I have no doubt that this site along with others will have an impact on Bioware and the future of Mass Effect, but I was hoping to see the results in the DLC, even it is a longshot. Truth is that DLC is talked about as if it’s a band-aid on a small cut, but what we really want is a whole new ME3 game, rebuilt from the ground up. I already knew that wasn’t going to happen though. Bioware may see this as an insult but it’s really not.

    This type of thing has never been done for a videogame before. If a game is viewed as bad by most players, than it almost never gets talked about and becomes the pun in a joke. That’s not what is happening with Mass Effect. None of us wanted to see it fail and instead of just writing it off as another bad joke, we’re doing what we can to help it succeed more or less: Fix the ending and it’s as good as gold. Give us romance DLC and we’ll be happy. Give us another squadmember or two. No more autodialouge. Show me that my choices matter and so on and so forth.

    If they could fix the issues than they can make ME3 acceptable. Not the game we wanted it to be but acceptable. Once we were even willing to forgive their long-standing slience. But now-a-days, I just feel like letting it go and leaving ME3 as it is: A game I have fun playing through but is ultimately a serious disappointment. As for moving on to see the future of Mass Effect…I just don’t know yet. But I agree there was some good that came out of all this. I read a lot of great fanfiction and the Marauder Shields comic is simply superb. And I enjoy posting here with everyone but to be honest, if we got what we wanted from ME3, I think we all be still here posting anyway, just with something else to talk about.:)