Quote of the Week #23 – Concerning Zaeed Massani

As many of you have probably read, Robin Sachs – the voice of Zaeed Massani – passed away a few days ago.  This information was released yesterday, and I thought it apropos to highlight some of the comments related to those that had hoped for a Zaeed + Shepard pairing.  Much to love about the ex-Blue Suns leader, and old curmudgeon, that was Zaeed Massani.

Our heart felt condolences to Mr. Sachs’ family and friends.

“Dude, Zaeed would be an amazing romance. I would pay top dollar for that.”

“Zaeed. A thousand times Zaeed. And the turian councilor. This is not a joke. It’s been a lovehate thing all along, he just doesn’t know.”

“It seemed in ME2 that there was a hint toward a romantic encounter with Shiala, but it doesn’t go anywhere. While there is no real opening for a Zaeed romance, I still think it would be great. I love that bastard.”

“If I lived in a universe where animal sacrifice gave me what I wanted, untold amounts of blood would be shed so I could romance Zaeed and/or James. They are amazing characters, and I sincerely wish I could have romanced them, or even just had more interaction with them.”

“No seriously, Zaeed Massani. You have no idea how much I want this.”

Posted on February 6, 2013, in quote of the week and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. Paragon FemShep and Zaeed and watch the fireworks display from a safe distance! What a pairing that would have been and so much fun! I’m so sad that Robin can’t give us that chance… I mean you know, if the gods of Bioware had been willing to bow to it… 😦