Blog Archives

Monday Musings | Sexism in Gaming

If you are reading this blog right now, chances are pretty good that you also read other columns on the web about gaming.  If so, over the past 6 months, you’ve seen a flood of articles on one topic in particular: sexism in the gaming industry.

What kinds of articles?  Well, there are a few examples here, here, and only a few days ago…here.

At ME3 Cosmic Love we’ve been debating how to address this issue on the blog.  It is a sensitive topic, and must be approached as such.  Despite this fact, it was mentioned by players in several sections within the survey comments, so we do feel obligated to discuss it.  Not doing so would be a disservice to the 8,000 players that completed our survey.  This week we will touch on a variety of topics that are related to this issue, including those that don’t relate to the world of Mass Effect directly.

With that said, below is my own personal contribution to our theme this week.  I will speak as a woman, as I am one. Please note that this article will not be comprehensive.  I will miss things. I will mention things that don’t bother another person.  When it comes to sexism in gaming, there will be differences of opinion.

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