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Focus Friday | Thane Krios, Part 3

Today we bring you the final portion, Part 3, of our Focus Friday series on Thane Krios.  In our first two posts we covered player reaction to how Thane’s romance was handled in Mass Effect 3, followed by the “cure debate” and opinions regarding his lack of recruitment.  In this last post we’ll wrap things up by examining player response to how his death was handled in ME3.  This will be followed by a brief summary where we pull together related portions from all 3 posts, and then speculate what steps BioWare could take to end the debate.

For the last time, here are the statements which correspond to Thane’s section of the survey,with those highlighted in green covered in this post:

  • I was satisfied with the quantity of content in the romance.
  • I was satisfied with the quality of content in the romance.
  • I want the option to cure Thane’s Kepral’s Syndrome.
  • I want the option to recruit Thane to the Normandy.
  • There should be additional scenes and dialogue with a romanced Thane.
  • The death scene should have a more visible impact on Shepard, if she romanced Thane.
  • Crew members should acknowledge Thane’s death.
  • I have other comments.

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