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Character Spotlight | Thane Krios

We are down to the final Character Spotlight, and I am privileged to introduce and thank our very own n7petiole for this tribute to Mr. Thane Kriosn7petiole has been gaming for years (she’s old, what can I say….lol!). From plugging quarters away in over-sized machines, to eventually becoming entranced (and possibly entangled), in the world of WoW – not to mention spending waaay to much time modding Skyrim.  Thanks to her sci-fi loving husband, she was introduced to the world of Mass Effect.  This eventually led to another BioWare title, Dragon Age: Origins.  And like the rest of us suckers….errr…..RPGer’s, she got hooked on these games.

It’s no secret around these parts that I’m a Thane fan. A big Thane fan.  That’s not to say that I don’t enjoy any of the other characters in the world of Mass Effect — I do very much.  Especially Garrus, Mordin, Grunt, Wrex, Legion, Tali, EDI, and Joker. Kasumi and I are buds. Matriarch Aethyta is a trip. Kaidan grew on me like a fungus…a bit like Alistair.  Jack is so obnoxious I can’t help but laugh. And, I would romance the shit out of Kal’Reegar, if I could (seriously, that man is…on fire ; I blame Jayne, ahem, Adam Baldwin). thane

All of these fantastic characters aside, though, above all, I’m a Thane fan.

But, I’m already jumping ahead too much, so let me provide a little bit of background first.

My Mass Effect experience (and my BioWare experience) began with Mass Effect 2. Short of my discovery of video games when I was a kid, it was possibly the most impactful gaming experience of my life.  I was floored by the depth of the characters, and the emotional connection I developed to the game via the the decisions I could make with my fully controlled and voiced player customized character.  The story was fantastic — so much so that I didn’t mind that I couldn’t go out and explore every nook and cranny of the world like I was able to in more open concept games such as WoW or Oblivion or Zelda.  And on top of that there were romances…who knew!?

By the time I was done playing Mass Effect 2  I couldn’t wait to continue the story in Mass Effect 3. After all, during the course of ME2 Shepard had been literally brought back from the dead  and every one of my beloved crew had survived the supposed “suicide” mission, so I was completely stoked to continue the story with them in the next game.  I wanted to kick the Reapers’ collective asses, find out what was happening with this “Dark Energy” thing Tali discovered on Haestrom, and dammit, I wanted my ‘happily ever after’ with Thane. At least, that was my hope.

Yeah, that didn’t turn out so well.

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